September 2023 Full Service and Message Archive

Video # 1

September 3


Are you finding it a challenge to know what is true or not?

Do you trust the Bible as God’s Word of Truth?

What is your response to media or culture that directly contradicts God’s truth?

How do you share truth with others? Are you confrontational or conversational?

What are some ways that you can be a conveyor of truth to people in your life that need to know truth?

Video # 2

September 10


What is your background/ancestry? Do you know it… have you looked at it?

What is your spiritual background?

Have you recognized the spiritual problem in your life?

Do you know Jesus as the answer to your spiritual problems?

Can you clearly share your faith in Jesus?



Video # 3

September 17 2023

What assurance and hope does it give you to know that God chose you in Christ before the beginning of the world? (Ephesians 1:3-6)

When you look at the turmoil in the world today, what keeps you from being overwhelmed? Living without fear??

Are there any people in your life that you have been excluding? What is God’s direction for you based on the inclusive nature of Salvation in

Video # 4

September 24


What lot in life do you find yourself living in?

Have you experienced finding things in your life “Good from Far, but far from Good?” What steps did you take, are you taking to address the situation?

What challenges are you facing to live God’s way versus the world’s way?






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