Video # 1
September 4h
Everyone has a story, a background… What’s your story?
- Where did you come from?
- What’s your life experience
- What is your socio-economic background, your cultural history, you family story
In Christ you are a new creation… 2 Corinthians 5:17
- What is your uniting story in Christ?
- How have you become new/renewed?
- How are you engaging in living for Christ?
Video # 2
September 11th
What foundations have you established for living your life?
What parameters or boundaries do you have for your life choices?
What practices have you built into your life to keep your focus?
Who holds you accountable?
Is What what you are doing with your life and how you are living it bringing glory to God?
Video # 3
September 18
- How do you know that you have faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour?
- What is the evidence of your faith?
- What tangible expression does faith have in our life?
- How do people around you know that you have faith?
- What has God revealed to you about His plan for your life?
- What areas of your life are you feeling challenged in right now?
- Have you told anyone lately about you decision to follow Jesus?
Video # 4
September 25th
What trials and circumstances have you been through in your life? How did you handle them? Were you able to find joy in the midst of them?
Looking back, what have you learned through the circumstances of your life that you wouldn’t have if you hadn’t experienced them?
How fully do you trust God? Do the experiences or situations that you face in life cause you to trust more or do you just try and fight through it on your own?