Video # 1

October 2nd


How are you engaged with the world around you? Do you keep apprised of current events in the world? Are you praying for the world?

How are you engaged in Jesus’ mission to the world? Are you sharing the Gospel message with others? Are you supporting missionaries and international workers?

Are you giving to support missions?

Have you thought about how you can engage other countries of the world by engaging with those who have moved into our community?

Video # 2

October 9th


How do you express your love to God? What do you do more: ask God for something or give God thanks and praise?

What steps are you taking in your life to “remain steadfast?”

What temptations do you struggle with in your life? How do you handle them?

The cycle of sin-repentance-forgiveness seems to be an ongoing part of our lives… when is the last time you spent time in confession before God?

Video # 3

October 16th


How is your life showing/declaring your responsibility to God’s Word?


- What do you see when you take an honest look in a mirror? What does the mirror of God’s Word reveal in you?


- Describe your practice of preparing your heart to receive God’s Word? Are you out of practice? What steps are you taking to put God’s Word into practice?




Video # 4

October 23rd


- What is it about certain people that makes it difficult to associate with them? What do you do with these feelings?


- On what basis do you find yourself judging people? Have you asked Jesus to help you see other people through His eyes?


- What steps can you take to demonstrate God’s grace in your life to others? Who can you be a neighbor to?




Video # 4

October 30th


Which of the 10 Commandments do you find easy to keep? Which ones are difficult? Why?

- Do you really believe all of God’s Word? Is it evident?

- Are there any areas in your life right now that do not line up with God’s Word?

- What steps are you taking to live out God’s Word for others?

- Are there any areas in your life where you discriminate against others? Do you ever struggle with a heart attitude out of place?



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