Video # 1
November 6th
- Romans 6:23, Hebrews 9:27 – Was there a time when your heart was stirred to flee the wrath of God that is to come? Have you ever been alarmed by your own sin?
Romans 10:8-11 – Do you truly understand the Gospel: Jesus died for your sins and rose again? Have you confessed to God that you can’t save yourself?
– Acts 2:36-38 – have you repented of your sins and turned from them? Have you trusted in Christ alone for your salvation? Have you been baptized and declared your turning to Jesus?
Video # 2
November 13th
Are your words supported by your actions?
- Are there any words that you wish you could get back?
- Ever find yourself regretting what you just said? How did you deal with it? How would you deal with it in the future?
- What steps have you taken in your life to learn to control your tongue?
- Have you ever caught yourself being hypocritical?
Video # 3
November 20th
- do you know what it means to fear the LORD?
- how do you know when you are listening to true wisdom or false wisdom?
- what are some examples from your own life when you have followed man’s
wisdom instead of God’s wisdom? What were the results?
- what are some benefits you have experienced in your life when you have
followed God’s wisdom?
- do you find yourself walking by sight or walking by faith? What steps are you taking to trust God more with your life? (Proverbs 3:5-6)
Video # 4
November 27th
- Why is often easy for a believer to be drawn into friendship with the world? In what ways have you become a friend to the world? How are you set apart?
- Read Romans 12:1-2 – How have you conformed to the pattern of this world? What disciplines/steps are you taking to renew your mind?
- In what areas of your life do you struggle the most to live God’s way instead of man’s way? What’s your biggest battle ground at the moment: with yourself, with others or with God?