Video # 1
November 7
Do you trust in the faithfulness of God? (Jeremiah 29:11) Do you believe in the
goodness of God? (Romans 8:28) What can you point to in your own life that reveals the faith/trust that you have in God? What promises of God
encourage you? Are there promises of God that discourage you? Why?
What areas of your life do you need to put into God’s hands and trust Him
with? (Proverbs 3:5-6)
Video # 2
November 14
What tangible expressions do you use to worship God? Have you ever
considered or engaged in a time of fasting in your life? If so, what were the
reasons for fasting? What results did you experience personally from fasting?
Fasting is usually accompanied by a dedicated time of prayer and turning to God. Are there any areas of your life that need a time of concentrated focus and turning to God? When God answers prayer, how do you express joy?
Video # 3
November 21
What steps have you taken to engage the coming of God’s Kingdom? Are you ready for it? What are you doing to help others prepare for the coming Kingdom? Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour? (John 14:6)
Are you living for the Kingdom in you daily life? Is your life a demonstration of hope in the promises of God? When people look at you can they tell?
Video # 4
November 28
When you examine your own heart: How have you responded to God’s love?
Have you been living according to God’s standards? What actions or aspects of your life have gone against God? Do you understand your responsibility in
faithfulness to God? How are you living out your status as a child of God?
What needs to change? Re-read 1 Peter 2:9-12