2011 Daimler Drive, West Kelowna, BC V1Z 3H6 Tel - 250.769.5481  Living Together in Community Our Passion: To see followers of Jesus Christ revealing His love to a world that needs His love Our Mission: To actively engage the community that we live in with the life changing relationship found in Jesus We want to be a vital part of the community, not as a building set apart from it. The church needs to live in community for the community. Our desire for Westside Alliance Church is to grow in relationship with Christ and bring the message of Jesus to the community, country and world that we live in. “To love the Lord our God is our heartbeat.” Jesus loved people and met them in relationship where they were at, then introduced them to a new way to live in relationship with Him. As we seek to find the purpose that God has for us at Westside Alliance Church, we are focusing on the people living in our community through being involved in life where they are, helping them to find relationship with Christ. Westside Alliance Church has been part of the Westbank/West Kelowna community for over 40 years. God has placed this Church and the people here for His purpose, and we want to be on board with God’s direction for us.

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