Video # 1
May 1st
Are you prepared for the return of Jesus Christ? The only preparation you need to make is within your heart. Is your heart right with God? When you are asked why you should be let into the Kingdom of God, into Heaven, what will you say? Do you have the assurance of Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour? (John 14:6) How are you preparing for that day to come? How is your choice affecting the way that you are living? Does your life reflect the hope that you have in Jesus?
Video # 2
May 8th
Are you trusting in God’s purpose, plan and timing for your life? How are your words and actions reflecting who God has declared you to be in Christ? What circumstances of life do you let rob you of your joy? Are you giving up ground to Satan in your life? Are there areas of your life you need to put into God’s hands trusting Him? Are you living defeated by life?
Video # 3
May 15th
Do you recognize God as your heavenly Father? Are you allowing Him to shape and direct the course of your life? Do you know an answer for the question: “What is God’s plan for your life?” What fuels and engages your passion and purpose in life? What steps are you purposefully taking to live out your passionate pursuits?
Video # 4
May 22st
Do you recognize God as your heavenly Father? Are you allowing Him to shape and direct the course of your life? Do you know an answer for the question: “What is God’s plan for your life?” What fuels and engages your passion and purpose in life? What steps are you purposefully taking to live out your passionate pursuits?
Video # 4
May 29th
Are you living according to God’s Word? Is your heart engaged or are you just doing enough to “get by”? Are you taking your relationship with God and your eternal destiny for granted? Are there any areas of your life where you look at others with elitism? Are you judging other people? Do you know where you stand before God? Have you embraced the mercy of God? Are there any sins in your life that need to be confessed to God? Are you seeking to live right with God? Are you all in?