Video # 1
May 2
What do you spend your time on – preparation or speculation? What are
you doing with the time, resources and abilities that God has given to you? Are you serving
self or serving God’s Kingdom? What steps are you taking in your life to keep your focus on Jesus? How will you be able to tell what is
counterfeit? How are you spending time in God’s Word?
Video # 2
May 9
How does it affect your life to remember that God, out of His love, chose you
to be His child? How does it affect your life to remember that God called you for a specific purpose? What does it mean in your life to practice the truth?
Name some of the ways that you can share God’s truth. How do you make it
a priority to share God’s truth with others? How do God’s love and the
Second Coming of Christ motivate you to live a life of obedience?
Video # 3
May 16
How are you being established in God’s Truth? What practices do you regularly engage in that keep you centered on God’s plan and purpose?
In what ways have you encountered the faithfulness of God? What does your prayer time look like? Do you believe in the effectiveness of prayer, and if so, how does that affect the time that you spend in prayer? How does your life reflect a love for God and a steadfast faith in Christ?
Video # 4
May 23
Is your life spreading or hindering the Gospel? What are the actions of your life saying to people around you about your perspective on eternity? What example is your life setting? Would people want to imitate your life? Who do you know that needs some positive encouragement in following Jesus? What
steps do you take to keep eternity in mind in everyday life? If Jesus came back this week, what is on your to do list?
Video # 5
May 30
Do you understand the Gospel message? Have you centered your life in Jesus Christ? How do you express/share/declare all that Jesus has done for you in your life? What are some tangible ways you see the Gospel making a difference in your life? How are you demonstrating a life of faith, love and hope? In what ways does the grace and peace of God encourage you? Sustain
you? Motivate you?