Video # 1
March 7
How steadfastly anchored in Christ is your life right now? Would Jesus reply
to you be: “Well Done Good and Faithful Servant?” Have you been
intentional in living for God’s Kingdom and Sharing your faith in Christ with others? What steps will you take this year to be a Christ-Centered, Mission Focused and Spirit-Empowered
follower of
Jesus Christ?
Video # 2
March 14
Where are you at in your journey as a follower of Christ? DO you have any
questions? What are you doing to pursue the answers? Is your life a model of holy living for others to see? Is your heart ready for Jesus to return? What is still undone that needs doing? What is keeping you from taking those measures? Pray that God would grant you the courage to be bold in living out your faith in Jesus Christ?
Video # 3
March 21
Where are the foundational constants that you are living your life by? Are they rooted and established in God’s Word? Is your life a faithful example of following Jesus Christ? If you are known by the fruit of your life, what is growing on your tree? When is the last time that you shared the Gospel message with someone else? What areas of your life are holding you back from a 100% commitment? Will you be ready to hear the words “Well done good and faithful servant when Christ returns?”
Video # 4
March 28
How do you view your life: Success or failure; good or bad; positive or negative? Do you see your life through the struggles with work, family and relationship or through the hopes, dreams and opportunities of life? Do your reflections include Jesus as part of your life, or do they center on Jesus and how He is shaping and affecting your life? How is your life reflecting Jesus?How are you living out who Jesus is in your daily life?