June 2023 Full Service and Message Archive

Video # 1

June 4


Do you know why you respond the way you do to certain topics and societal concerns? What is the foundation for your beliefs?

Is God’s Word the foundation of truth in your life?

Are you equipped to give an answer for why you hold the values you do about the roles of men and women? About marriage? About Salvation?


Video # 2

June 11


This week take time to contemplate the following questions:

- Why does God permit temptation?

- Why did God not destroy Satan immediately?

- Why doesn’t God take away our ability to sin?

- How has sin affected your life? Your relationships?

- How complete is the redemptive work of Jesus Christ?

Video # 3

June 18


What steps do you take when you find yourself being tempted?

What boundaries have you established in your life to avoid temptation?

Who in your life keeps you accountable? Asks you the challenging questions about your life and how you are living it?

Is your life today a reflection of the holiness of God? If not, what needs to change?



Video # 4

June 25


Do you accept Genesis as actual history? Why or Why Not?

What has been your experience with the effects of sin in your life?

Can you visibly see the effects of sin in creation? In human relationships?

What do you understand about God’s grace as it applies to your life?

Have you accepted God’s gift of love and hope in Jesus Christ?



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