Video # 1
July 3rd
Do you recognize the authority and sovereignty of God in your life? How does your submission to God’s authority in your heart affect your practice of submission in your daily life? Which of the following challenge you to practice submission: family, school, work, sports, government? To what persons in authority are you personally accountable? How submissive is your attitude to those authorities?
Video # 2
July 10th
There was no service recorded this Sunday as it was a special outdoor celebration event that combined a number of churches here in West Kelowna BC
Please stay tuned for next week's service.
Pastor Jared
Video # 3
July 17th
Take the time this week to diagnostically examine your heart and mind… Are you living the LIGHT?? Answer the following questions:
- Does God’s love fill you?
- Are you serving others the way that Jesus did?
- Are you saying no to self-gratification and desire?
We are to fill our minds with the things of Christ – Philippians 4:8
Can you give an example for each of the following in your life:
- Whatever is true -
Video # 4
July 24th
Take the time for some introspection and answer the questions below:
- Are you living fully convinced of what you believe?
- Who are living for: Self or Christ?
- What is the foundation for your convictions?
- What moral and ethical standards do you hold?
- What tempts you? How do you handle temptation?
- Am I treating others as though they belong to God?
- Do you find yourself in a pattern of judging and condemning others?
Video # 4
July 31st
Take a moment this week for some self examination…
1) Do you find yourself judging others in order to feel better about yourself?
2) Are there any regular choices that you make that are a hindrance or stumbling block to others?
3) Are you living as a citizen of God’s Kingdom or of the world?
4) Do you recognize and live out your freedom in Christ? Do your choices reflect consideration for others?