July 2021 Full Service and Message Archive

Video # 1

July 4


Do you know where you are headed?? Do you know what you believe and why you believe it? Are there any thoughts, attitudes, actions of your heart that need confession and realignment with God? Are there any weeds in your life that need to be pulled?

What steps are you taking to demonstrate the authority of God’s

Word in your life?


Video # 2

July 11


Do you have a clear understanding of God’s holiness? Examining your life by God’s standard of holiness: Are there any things that you need to confess before God and ask for forgiveness? Are you struggling with sin in any area of your life? What steps are you taking to live righteous and holy before God? Accepting God’s love for you also means taking responsibility for  our

actions. Which eternal path are you traveling on? Read Matthew 6:13-14.

Are you ready today to be judged in God’s presence?

Video # 3

July 18


Do you really believe that people need Jesus? Do you believe it enough to do something about it? Are there any areas of your life that are “ungodly?” What are you doing about it? Do you make evangelism and missions a priority? Do you give sacrificially of time and resources to reaching others with the Gospel? Have you shared the good news of Jesus Christ with a “good” neighbor, co-worker/family member? How is your heart moved to respond? What will you do about it?

Video # 4

July 25


Who are you? What defines you? What motivates your life? What principles

do you follow in your life? What do you value? Which are the most

important? Where are you headed with your life? What goals or dreams are

you living for? How is your life demonstrating your embrace of eternity?

Why would anyone want to imitate your life in light of eternity?


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