January 2023 Full Service and Message Archive

Video # 1

January 7


- Is your faith recognizable? Do your lifestyle, your words, your actions display your faith in Christ? What is God showing you needs to change?

- Do you recognize God’s sovereignty in your life? How is this evident?

- What is your pattern of response to sickness, to sin an guilt, to suffering? Are you trusting God fully with your heart and your life?




Video # 2

January 14


- Who is God to you?

 Is He your Most High God? All Sufficient One? Master? Lord of Peace?

 Lord Who will Provide?

 Is He your Father? Is the Lord Your Shepherd?

- have you found your place before Our Holy God? How do you recognize it?

 - Any trouble getting your sandals off??





Video # 3

January 21 2024

What does it mean to really depend on or trust in God?

- How do you honor God as the Almighty, Most High in your life?

 Tithe, prayer, engagement, time, devotions?

- Do you trust God as your All Sufficient One?

- Do you recognize that God sees you?

- Do you have any idols in your life that are holding you back from God?

- Do you pray Psalm 139:23-24?

Video # 4

January 28


- Do you know why you believe? Can you give an answer to anyone who asks you?

- Do you recognize the engagement of Our Triune God in history? In your history? - Do you know the engagement of God in your life as the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit?

-Do you declare/worship who God is based on tradition or based on conviction?



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