Video # 1
January 2
How steadfastly anchored in Christ is your life right now? Would Jesus reply
to you be: “Well Done Good and Faithful Servant?” Have you been
intentional in living for God’s Kingdom and Sharing your faith in Christ with others? What steps will you take this year to be a Christ-Centered, Mission Focused and Spirit-Empowered
follower of
Jesus Christ?
Video # 2
January 9
Where are you at in your journey as a follower of Christ? DO you have any
questions? What are you doing to pursue the answers? Is your life a model of holy living for others to see? Is your heart ready for Jesus to return? What is still undone that needs doing? What is keeping you from taking those measures? Pray that God would grant you the courage to be bold in living out your faith in Jesus Christ?
Video # 3
January 16 2022
Do you understand what sin is? Can you explain it to someone if they ask you to define sin? Where and how do you see God reveled in the world around you? What practices or beliefs in the world take away from belief in God? What is the basis for right and wrong in your life? Is it evident to others? What sinful desires or temptations do you wrestle with in your life? What is the order of priorities in your life? Where does God rank?
Video # 4
January 23
Are you a judgmental person? Why do you think people are so prone to
judging others? Do you value who you are – on what basis? Do you view
yourself as others see you or as God sees you? (How does this affect the way
you live) If you knew you were standing before God tomorrow, what would
you change today? Do you believe that God is fair in His judgment? What do
you agree/disagree with and why?
Video # 5
January 30
Are you genuine? What do people see when they look at your life? What does your life boast of? Christian literally means “Christ One” – Do people see Jesus in you? Is there any area of your life today that is hypocritical? Is there any area of your life that is dishonoring to God? Do you have any aspects of your life that you are justifying – your words, your actions?