Video # 1
February 6th
Are you relying on who you are, or on who God is? How well do you understand God? How diligently are you seeking God? How much goodness would God find in your daily life? Do your words and actions leave people feeling helped or hurting? Have you ever lied? Have you hurt others’ feelings by words or tone of voice? Are you bitter towards anyone?
In what sense do you fear God? How is this reflected in your life?
Video # 2
February 13th
Are you hopeful for the future? How firm is the foundation that your life is built upon? How are you doing at withstanding the winds and waves of life? What do you do to find hope amidst the circumstances of life? Hope can be easy in the good time, but what about in troubled times? What are doing to share your hope for the future with others? How are you helping people find hope?
Video # 3
February 20th
Do you understand the depths of sin and the need for a Saviour? Can you explain it to someone if they ask? Do you understand the gift of God given to us in Christ Jesus? Why was the shedding of blood needed? Why is faith the law of God’s Kingdom? Have you surrendered your life before God and accepted His grace or are you still striving to please Him and earn His favor?
Video # 4
February 27th
How do you think you can get the blessing of God in your life? What are you doing to try and gain God’s favor? How much good does it take to please God? Are you aware of God’s grace in your life? What does the forgiveness of sins depend upon? On what occasions in your life have you simply trusted and obeyed God? What do you do to affirm your trust in God’s promises?