Video # 1
December 5
Are there any areas of your life that have been defined by the world around you that do not follow the truth of God’s Word? Do you have a solid understanding of what it means to protect your heart? What steps are you taking to protect your heart from “arrhythmia” and keep it beating true? How does your life express your heart commitment? What is the evidence of
your heart embracing God?
Video # 2
December 12
Have you ever questioned God’s justice? Have you thought about your life in
light of the fact that you will one day have to give an account to God? What
sets you apart or distinguishes you from the world around you? What visible ways should you see Christians as markedly different from the rest of the world? What is your pattern of tithing? How do you demonstrate that you
trust God for provision and protection in your life?
Video # 3
December 19
We spend a lot of time celebrating the 1st Advent of Christ at Christmas.
Have you given much thought to the Second Coming of Christ? Are you
prepared for Him to come? Do you understand what will happen when Jesus
comes to usher in His Kingdom? Understanding that there will be a
separating of the righteous and the wicked, what steps are you taking to
help people know that the decision time about Jesus is now? (Hebrews 9:27)
Video # 4
December 26
Do you know where your headed when you die? If asked, how do you express the hope that you have in Jesus for eternal life? How are you maintaining unity with other believers? What steps are you taking to grow in your
relationship with Jesus? What will you do differently in the coming year?
Take a moment each day this week to thank God for his gift of love to you.