August 2023 Full Service and Message Archive

Video # 1

August  6


How is your eyesight? What do you have your eyes set on?

Is your life in focus, or are there things in your life that are distracting you?

What goals in life have you set your sights on? Earthly? Heavenly?

What do other people see as your priorities when they look at your life?

Do you have a plan to keep your sight fixed on God? Bible Reading? Prayer?

Video # 2

August 13


Do you recognize the challenge of living holy before God? How does this challenge reveal itself in your life? In what areas of your life do you find the greatest challenge? – Romans 12:2

If you had to stand before God today and give an answer to Him for your life and actions, what would you say?




Video # 3

August 20


What is your worldview based on: God’s truth or man’s?

How do your life and decisions reflect your worldview?

How does your life demonstrate a trust in the sovereignty of God?

Are there any areas of your life where you are struggling to trust God?

What steps are you taking to pursue God’s truth? Are you searching for answers to questions that you have?

Video # 4

August 27


What is your personal experience with God’s grace?

In what ways do you see and experience God’s grace on a daily basis?

What things in life prevent you from experiencing God’s grace?

When you find yourself worrying or fearful, how do you find a way to trust God?

How can you take steps to communicate God’s grace to others?



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