Video # 1

August 7th


Take the time this week for some self-examination…

- What changes need to take place in your life to get in line with God?

o Any adjustments in lifestyle?

o Are your eyes fixed on Jesus or are they distracted?

o How are you responding to others stronger/weaker than you?

- How is your time with God? Just enough? Needs Realigning? Non-existent? What has God been teaching you from Scripture lately?

Video # 2

August 14th


What goals do you have in mind for your future? Do they line up with God’s Word? Are they glorifying to God? What place has God put you in to serve others?

Who have you shared the Gospel of Christ with lately? Who do you have a desire to share the Gospel of Christ with? What holds you back from doing so?

What are you doing to be personally engaged in supporting the global mission to take the message of Jesus to those who haven’t yet heard the Gospel?


Video # 3

August 21st


How would you describe your prayer life? How much time do you spend each day giving thanks to God and entrusting your day and its activities into His care? Are you in regular communion with God in prayer and reading His Word or only when you are in distress/trouble?

Video # 4

August 28th


Are you trusting in God’s plans for your life or are you leading the way and hoping that God will just show up in the midst of what you’re doing (Jeremiah 29:11)?


Have you been testing and trying our life and your own speed and your own whim and fancy, or do you have reverence for God in all things (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)?


What would need to change for you to fully trust in the Lord (Proverbs


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