Video # 1

April 3rd


How is your life revealing that you have new life in Christ and your sins are forgiven? Do you understand your identity (who you are) in Christ? Have you accepted it? Is it real for you in your life?

Have you ever considered the fact that you participated in the events of the cross; that you died and that you were resurrected with Christ?

Are there any areas of your life where you are struggling with sin?

Video # 2

April 10th


What are you enslaved to?

Who is responsible for the choice that has to be made in response to God?

Where will you be spending eternity?

Why are you reluctant to let go of the things of this earth and give God sovereignty over your life?

When will you get real with God about the state of your life?

How will you take steps this week to declare your freedom in Christ and obedience to Him?

Video # 3

April 17th


Have you accepted the free gift of God in Christ Jesus? Have you accepted that He died on the cross to pay the debt and penalty of your sins? Have you accepted that Jesus rose again from the dead, thereby conquering it and bringing life? Have you made the choice to accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour? Have you confessed and then thanked Him for the forgiveness of your sins?

Video # 4

April 24th


Are you struggling to live free in any areas of your life? Are you living in the freedom of the Spirit? Have you begun your journey of engagement with the Holy Spirit? It starts with a declaration that Jesus Christ is Lord of your life!! Through Jesus Christ you have standing before God as a child of God, adopted as one of His children. Are you letting it make a difference in your life, or are you resisting the new life and truth that the Holy Spirit brings?


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